Vaccines Specialist


Vaccines services offered in Astoria, NY

If you’d like to keep your child as healthy as possible or meet school medical requirements, see the skilled providers at Astoria Pediatric PC in Astoria, New York. Lilly Rodriguez, MD, FAAP, Costas Frousios, MD, and their exceptional staff offer vaccines to protect your child from getting ill or developing certain diseases. Call the Astoria Pediatric PC office to learn more about your options or use the online scheduler today. 

Vaccines Q&A

What are vaccines?

Vaccines are substances that contain mRNA, dead germs, or weakened germs that stimulate your child’s body to produce antibodies that protect them from illnesses and diseases. Many vaccines are injections, but some are nasal mists that your child breathes in.

The Astoria Pediatric PC experts offer an array of vaccines to meet your child’s unique needs and keep them as healthy as possible. 

Which are common childhood vaccines?

Some of the vaccines available to your child at Astoria Pediatric PC include:

  • COVID-19
  • Flu
  • Hepatitis A 
  • Hepatitis B
  • Rotavirus
  • Diphtheria
  • Pertussis
  • Polio
  • Tetanus
  • Pneumococcal 
  • Meningococcal
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Rubella
  • Chickenpox

The decision to get your child vaccinated is entirely up to you, but your child’s school may require certain vaccinations prior to participation. An Astoria Pediatric PC provider reviews the risks and benefits of each vaccine and develops a personalized vaccination plan for your child.

What are the benefits of vaccines?

The main benefit of vaccines for kids is a reduced risk of getting ill or developing certain diseases. If your child gets sick after being vaccinated against an illness, chances are their symptoms won’t be severe. 

Are vaccines right for my child?

To find out which vaccines, if any, are best for your child, an Astoria Pediatric PC expert discusses their medical history, vaccination history, lifestyle, and your preferences. If your child doesn’t require vaccines for sports or school, the decision to vaccinate is up to you. 

You can follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended vaccine guidelines or work with your child’s provider to tailor a regimen just for them. 

What happens during vaccine administration?

During vaccine administration, your child rests comfortably on a chair or exam table. A friendly provider gently injects vaccine materials into your child’s upper arm or leg while they relax. Your child feels a tiny pinch during needle insertion, but this lasts just a second.

They might breathe in a vaccine mist instead of receiving an injection. Your child may receive just one injection or multiple injections during the same medical appointment. 

What should I expect after my child receives vaccines?

After getting vaccines, your child might want to take it easy for the rest of the day. They may have temporary fatigue, muscle aches, a low-grade fever, headaches, chills, or other mild symptoms. Call your doctor if any side effects become severe.

To learn more about vaccines and find out which are right for your child, call the Astoria Pediatric PC office or use the online booking tab today.